
Jean-Louis Roqueplan is born in 1950 in Le Puy-en-Velay, Haute-Loire.

Son of blue-collar, his passion for the theatre took him to Paris and then around the world to put on shows and street theatre with communities from all walks of life.

He then returned to his lands, where he has continued to bring his native region to life through a large number of shows, as well as a children's carnival on the scale of the whole town of Le Puy, which later gave rise to the Roi de l'Oiseau festival, one of the biggest historical festivals in the world.

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Who am I

I'm Lucas, a French-Swedish director, cinematographer and project manager.

With my background in art direction, design and visuals arts, my artistic touch is ever present in my graphical approach to filmmaking.

I produce advertising, corporate and social networking videos for clients all over Europe, and setup many different broadcast programs on platforms such as Twitch.

On my free time, I love to create documentaries, short films and video content for Youtube.